CrossFit The Ville: Tuesday’s WOD

10-10-10 Shoulder Press & Max Effort Strict Pullups


15-Man Makers for time (45’s/25’s)
(Pushups, Row, Row, Squat Clean to Thruster)

rest 3:00

50-Wall Balls for time (20/14)

rest 3:00

15-Man Makers for time

*Get your teams together for this years “True Grit 2: Heroes” competition on October 11th. Teams will consist of 2 men and 2 women. There will be an RX and Scaled option for each wod so that all teams can compete. As the name implies the WODs this year will be Hero WODs! $120/team with a maximum of 20 teams. If you’d like to register email your team name, team members, and shirt sizes to: Cash prizes to the top 3 teams ($240-1st place, $120-2nd, $60-3rd).

CrossFit The Ville: Monday’s WOD

Pistols: 1:00 Max Effort Weighted Pistols (53/35)
Rest 1:00
1:00 Max Effort Weighted Pistols (35/25)
Rest 1:00
1:00 Max Effort Pistols (No weight)
Score = Total Reps


4 Rounds for time of:
500m Row
10 Back Squats (Men:Bodyweight/Women: 70% BW)
Rest 1:1

*Get your teams together for this years “True Grit 2: Heroes” competition on October 11th. Teams will consist of 2 men and 2 women. There will be an RX and Scaled option for each wod so that all teams can compete. As the name implies the WODs this year will be Hero WODs! $120/team with a maximum of 20 teams. If you’d like to register email your team name, team members, and shirt sizes to: Cash prizes to the top 3 teams ($240-1st place, $120-2nd, $60-3rd).

CrossFit The Ville: Sunday’s WOD

Push Press: 6-6-6-6
Band Face Pulls: 12-12-12-12

Then, for time:

800m Run
10- Shoulder 2 Overhead (115/75)
10- Pull ups

400m Run
15- S2OH
15- Pull ups

200m Run
20- S2OH
20- Pull ups

*Get your teams together for this years “True Grit 2: Heroes” competition on October 11th. Teams will consist of 2 men and 2 women. There will be an RX and Scaled option for each wod so that all teams can compete. As the name implies the WODs this year will be Hero WODs! $120/team with a maximum of 20 teams. If you’d like to register email your team name, team members, and shirt sizes to: Cash prizes to the top 3 teams ($240-1st place, $120-2nd, $60-3rd).

CrossFit The Ville: Saturdays WOD

Rest Day.

*After our 8:00am class head over to CrossFit 4 Barrel to cheer on our coaches Sean & Glenn in the Kentuckiana’s Fittest Competition!

*Get your teams together for this years “True Grit 2: Hero’s” competition on October 11th. Teams will consist of 2 men and 2 women. There will be an RX and Scaled division. As the name implies the WODs this year will be Hero WODs! $120/team with a maximum of 20 teams. If you’d like to register email your team name, team members, and shirt sizes to: Cash prizes to the top 3 teams ($240-1st place, $120-2nd, $60-3rd).

CrossFit The Ville: Friday’s WOD

Front Squat 4-4-4-4


15:00 AMRAP of:

5-Squat Cleans (185/125)

10-Box Jump Overs (30/24″)

15-KB Swings (53/35)

*Get your teams together for this years “True Grit 2: Hero’s” competition on October 11th. Teams will consist of 2 men and 2 women. There will be an RX and Scaled division. As the name implies the WODs this year will be Hero WODs! $120/team with a maximum of 20 teams. If you’d like to register email your team name, team members, and shirt sizes to: Cash prizes to the top 3 teams ($240-1st place, $120-2nd, $60-3rd).

CrossFit The Ville: Thursday’s WOD

Skill: Handstand / Handstand Push Up / Handstand Walk

Then for time:

50ft handstand walk (or 100ft bear crawl) buy in

3 rounds:
50-Double Unders

50ft handstand walk (or 100ft bear crawl) cash out

*Get your teams together for this years “True Grit 2: Hero’s” competition on October 11th. Teams will consist of 2 men and 2 women. There will be an RX and Scaled division. As the name implies the WODs this year will be Hero WODs! $120/team with a maximum of 20 teams. If you’d like to register email your team name, team members, and shirt sizes to: Cash prizes to the top 3 teams ($240-1st place, $120-2nd, $60-3rd).

CrossFit The Ville: Wednesday’s WOD

10-10-10-10 Deadlifts


4 rounds for time of:

2-Muscle Ups

4-Deadlifts (275/185)


*Get your teams together for this years “True Grit 2: Hero’s” competition on October 11th. Teams will consist of 2 men and 2 women. There will be an RX and Scaled division. As the name implies the WODs this year will be Hero WODs! $120/team with a maximum of 20 teams. If you’d like to register email your team name, team members, and shirt sizes to: Cash prizes to the top 3 teams ($240-1st place, $120-2nd, $60-3rd).

CrossFit The Ville: Tuesday’s WOD

Rest Day.

*Get your teams together for this years “True Grit 2: Hero’s” competition on October 11th. Teams will consist of 2 men and 2 women. There will be an RX and Scaled division. As the name implies the WODs this year will be Hero WODs! $120/team with a maximum of 20 teams. If you’d like to register email your team name, team members, and shirt sizes to: Cash prizes to the top 3 teams ($240-1st place, $120-2nd, $60-3rd).

CrossFit The Ville: Monday’s WOD

3-3-3-3 Hang Squat Snatch & Snatch Grip RDL’s


15-12-9-12-15 reps each of:

Power Snatch (95/65)

Jump Squats

Hand Release Pushups

For time.

*Get your teams together for this years “True Grit 2: Hero’s” competition on October 11th. Teams will consist of 2 men and 2 women. There will be an RX and Scaled division. As the name implies the WODs this year will be Hero WODs! $120/team with a maximum of 20 teams. If you’d like to register email your team name, team members, and shirt sizes to: Cash prizes to the top 3 teams ($240-1st place, $120-2nd, $60-3rd).

CrossFit The Ville: Sunday’s WOD

Bench Press 2-2-2-2-2

Bent Side Laterals 10-10-10-10-10


21-15-9 reps each of:

Shoulder Press (95/65)

Strict Pullups

Box Jumps (30/24″)

*Get your teams together for this years “True Grit 2: Hero’s” competition on October 11th. Teams will consist of 2 men and 2 women. There will be an RX and Scaled division. As the name implies the WODs this year will be Hero WODs! $120/team with a maximum of 20 teams. If you’d like to register email your team name, team members, and shirt sizes to: Cash prizes to the top 3 teams ($240-1st place, $120-2nd, $60-3rd).