CrossFit The Ville: Friday’s WOD

Deadlifts 4-4-4-4

Reverse Hyperextensions 10-10-10-10


10:00 EMOM of:

2-Deadlifts (275/185)

5-Burpees over the bar

rest, then:

5:00 AMRAP:

500m Row
HSPU’s in remaining time.

*Get your teams together for this years “True Grit 2: Heroes” competition on October 11th. Teams will consist of 2 men and 2 women. There will be an RX and Scaled option for each wod so that all teams can compete. As the name implies the WODs this year will be Hero WODs! $120/team with a maximum of 20 teams. If you’d like to register email your team name, team members, and shirt sizes to: Cash prizes to the top 3 teams ($240-1st place, $120-2nd, $60-3rd). If you can help with judging please let us know!