The end of an era

CrossFit the Ville is now officially closed for business at 721 E Main St. We want to sincerely thank each and every member past and present for all the fond memories. Since starting CrossFit Louisville East in 2009 and CrossFit the Ville in 2011 thousands of members have graced our doors. We are honored to have been, and continue to be, a part of the CrossFit community in Louisville.

I will focus more on my Personal Training clients, which I’ve been doing since 1997, but the CrossFit methodology will continue to play a role in my coaching as well as my personal workouts. If you have interest in personal training please email:

Stay fit Louisville!


Saturday, January 29th

The last wod at CrossFit The Ville…

Partner WOD 1-29-2022

100-Calorie Row


20-Power Snatch (115/75)

22-Burpees Over Bar

100-Calorie Assault Bike


20-S2OH (135/95)

22-Burpees Over Bar



20-Power Cleans (155/105)

22-Burpees Over Bar

100-Wall Balls (20/14)

29-KBS’s (53/35)

20-Deadlifts (225/155)

22-Burpees Over Bar

for time.

All members and former members are invited to do this wod at 9:00 & 10:15. If 10:15 fills up we’ll do an 11:30 as well. If you are a former member and want to attend please email us.

Friday, January 28th

Banded Good Mornings 3×12

Single Leg Plank 3x:30/leg


Deadlifts 4×4@80%1Rm


15:00 amrap:

15-Calorie Row

15-Deadlifts (225/155)

15-GHD Situps

*Tomorrow is our last workout here at CrossFit the Ville! Our Partner workout is at 9:00 & 10:15 and all members and former members are welcome. If you are a former member who would like to attend please email If the 10:15 class fills up we will have an 11:30 class as well.

Tuesday, January 25th

Double Bounce Back Squats 4×6@50-60%1RM

Single Leg Bent Leg Bridge on Ball 4×6/leg


For time:

10-Calorie Assault Bike

5-Back Squats (245/165)(RX+ 275/185)

20-Calorie Assault Bike

10-Back Squats (185/125)(RX+225/155)

40-Calorie Assault Bike

20-Back Squats (135/95)(RX+185/125)